Learning new information for more insights and ideas is what fuels me! I am known as The Joy of Learning Guy. Some call me a “Hungry Learner.” Yes, that’s me. There is always room for more learn and grow in my mind and heart.

My learning often takes deep dives and detour into areas of fresh interest or renewed ones. I enjoy organizing my learning and experiences in ways that serve, support, & bless so you can be their brilliant best.

I have navigated through at least 12 significant change events. There are more, but I stopped counting. And, besides, if listed any more you’d think I was showing off.

I am an expert in change and transition. I help people create a new orientation and preparation for life changes and transitions. This moves them from fear and uncertainty to courage, certainty, and confidence to face the challenges of change and transition. 

When I am in slow motion, I spend time with my dear and beautiful wife. Stay in touch with our two sons, five grandsons, and 1 granddaughter. And every day, walking my dog Migo in our neighborhood or at the beach.

Enough about me.

What about you?

Do you prefer coffee or tea?

What makes you smile?

Who inspires you?

Tony Signature Gold_Web
Profile tony


Navigator - Planning & preparation to navigate change & uncertainty.

Learner - Integrating universal principles, common sense practice, & personal preferences for life-long learning.

Success Whisperer - Discover success patterns to leverage for more success


Teacher - middle school & college.

Life Coach - transitions, MBTI Certification, Living Your Vision Certification, Strengths Coaching.

Creator of So, What About You. .Founder & Creator of Recipes for Learning®

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Recipes for Learning

Enjoy the learning. The joy is in the doing!

Recipes for Learning® 30 Day Start is an opportunity to restore your WOW & WONDER of learning as you learn to be a parent. Your joy of learning can be rekindled. Learning to be a mom or dad doesn’t have to be a chore and a bore. You don’t need a degree in education to lay the foundation for learning within your child. It is your love and time that is the best gift you give. It is an investment in a life for a lifetime.


Your experiences growing up form a basic guide for you to raise your child. What you say and do influences your child directly and indirectly. It is your daily interaction and care that provide the foundation of all the primary “how to’s” like talking, walking, and knowing right from wrong. You are both a learner and a teacher. As you learn and practice, you teach. It is your love and common sense that provides the nurturing guidance for your child to survive and thrive.


What They Say

Tony is one of the most thoughtful leaders in the world today. His platform is small and anonymous at this stage, but it is rare to find introspective, kind, thoughtful leaders who project this much authenticity. Tony is not bottom line focused. He is focused on the individual he is engaged with, their needs and roadblocks. A bit psychic as well he truly sees and offers honest direction that compels thought and action. He has my highest recommendation.

Lola Gayle Patrick-Odeen
Social Entrepreneur

In conversations with Tony, it's never just about him... It's about you and us! As he loves to say, ❝None of us is as smart as all of us.❞ He is a continuous learner, practitioner, and helper. Willing to try his best, and give anyone a hand... Connect with Tony. You'll be glad you did!

Jared J. Wiese
Profiles That Pop